Dump New Year’s resolutions for 2019

Why not commit to more realistic goals instead? A ‘resolution’ is defined as ‘a firm decision to do or not to do something.’ This thought could, in fact, make it harder to accomplish.

Look back at resolutions past, how many did you actually do and completed and then think about the ones you didn’t and why. Where they unrealistic in some way, like, you didn’t have enough time, it was too hard, to begin with, you didn’t have a true commitment, etc.

The later is the most important one I want to talk about, commitment. When you commit to something, you are more likely to do it. Again, if you are truly committed. That’s the first thing you must do in order to stick to a New Year’s goal or resolution if you want to continue to call it that. Next, break it into manageable steps to complete daily, weekly, or whatever time frame fits your lifestyle keeping in mind work/life balance.

Lastly, you guess it, commit to doing it and see it though.

Here are three of my 2019 goals and how I plan to execute them.

Be grateful every day. Each morning before getting out of bed I will declare one thing I’ll be grateful for the day.

Write every day. Each day I commit to writing a minimum of 200 words, whether I’d be a blog post, my thoughts or that book I’ve been thinking of writing for years.

Get dressed every day! Being home all the time has caused me to become lazy as far as my personal appliance goes. Most days I just lounge around in my workout clothes. I commit to having my workout completed by or before 9 am, and getting dressed shortly after even if it’s showering, wearing a pair of jeans and a teeshirt, and grooming my hair.

Once you’ve developed an ongoing routine, you’ll also be developing a habit you’ll incorporate in your daily routine without thinking about it. 

If your goal is to lose weight, let’s say 40 pounds, then start slow. Maybe start by losing 10 lbs in three months by cutting down on sugar, taking a walk after dinner three times a week, skip dessert, cut one carb out of one meal, etc. Then if you’ve accomplished that, add to it for the next three months. So basically, take the whatever pounds you want to shed and break into small goals throughout the year, and you may be more likely to succeed.

I hope this helps and if you need help with breaking down your goals into manageable chunks, comment below. Be blessed, good luck, and have a wonderful 2019!

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