What your dreams may be telling you

Dreams are a series of thoughts, visions or feelings that happen when you sleep. Some dreams you remember, and you may feel their effects emotionally or physically as soon as you wake up. Others, you quickly forget. Or vaguely remember. I believe there’s a spiritual connection between you and your dreams. I also believe that your dreams have the power to give you insights and even solutions to life’s challenges. Recently, I’ve been going through a series of unpleasant changes and events in my career. These occurrences have caused me to feel stressed and anxious. They’ve left me with feelings of low self-worth in a professional sense.

Fear of not finding a different job that pays well and has a work/life balance philosophy weighs heavily on my decision to leave my current position, one I have not been happy in for a long time. I’ve been in the same position for the last six years. More than two years ago, I was able to start working from home full-time. Although not ideal most of the time, because I’m a “people-person,” going to the office, was far worse. This new perk made the monotony of my job seem more bearable.

Recently, we were told we needed to return to the office three days a week. Imagine my shock and disappointment. For a while, I’d been struggling with being stuck in a career rut. Although I’ve outgrown this job quite some time ago, its flexibility allowed me to stay because of personal responsibilities and obligations. Working from home afforded me the latitude to balance both.

There are many changes I need to make to my personal life in order to accommodate going to the office three days a week. Working from home afforded me the opportunity to manage my work hours in a way that would break-up the monotony of the task. Now, I have to sit in a public, high-traffic cube for eight hours.

I’ve considered leaving the job many times, especially after completing a master’s degree last year, yet the perks of working from home and being able to be there for my family caused me to stay and sacrifice doing what I truly love, writing, which is very different from my current job as a Spanish medical content editor.

The following are the dreams I had the week before having to return to the office and their interpretation. I search various sites for answers. You can go to your favorite search engine and type on the subject line “dream interpretations for (dream).”

My mother dies:

If your mother dies in a dream it represents feelings of having lost your sense of intuition, feeling that you have poor foresight. You are unable to solve a problem, get away from negative life situations, and problems. If she dies, it’s very likely you have powerful fears or moral dilemmas that you need to overcome. You may feel a permanent sense of bad luck or that you can’t stop yourself from making a bad decision with something very important.

My son suffered a snake bite:

The snake bite symbolizes a wake-up call. It’s a warning about a situation, activity, behavior or thought that is “poisonous” in your life. A snake bit is a sign that you’re on the verge of a deep personal transformation.

I was being chased (didn’t see who was chasing):

Chase dreams are one of several common dream themes, stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. Fleeing and flight are instinctive responses to a physical threat in the environment. In such dreams, the scenario often features you being pursued by an attacker, an animal, a monster or an unknown figure, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Consequently, you run, you hide or you try to outwit your pursuer. Your actions in the dream parallel how you would respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, your dream indicates that you have a tendency to run away and avoid the issue. Ask yourself who is chasing you, so that you can gain a better understanding and insight on the source of your fears and anxieties.

I saw dirty water running from a faucet:

Unclear/muddy or dirty water – suggests that you’re dwelling in your own negativity. You need to take a break and clear your mind. It is likely that your thought process is clouded and needs some sort of cleansing. Muddy water is not a good symbol; it suggests that you need to remove all the heaviness in your life in order to see clearly.

I saw a dead body on a rocky trail:

Some aspect of your outer or inner life is fading or being superseded by a changed approach, which may be shown as dying. Your drive to achieve something might die and be shown as a death in your dreams.

I feel these dreams are telling me something. You each may interpret them differently than I, but to me, the cause of my fears and answers to my work dilemma are clearly stated in each one of them. Now it’s up to me to make a move. I’ve decided I will stop being afraid and finally pursue the job of my dreams. In the end, I know it will all work out. Sometimes life pushes you in directions you should have found on your own. There’s a reason this has happened, and I believe it’s time for me to move on.


Rosa Talavera

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